Christ Church - Atlanta, GA
Project Details
Green Circle Demolition was selected first by the construction manager, Ted Hall, then later by the contractor, Van Winkle Construction, for the abatement and the subsequent demolition of the Christ Church project in Atlanta, GA. The proximity to adjacent structures and surgical nature of this project were concerns for ownership that were mitigated through careful planning and the use of advanced robotic demolition methods. Before any demolition could begin all asbestos containing materials had to be safely removed from the building and disposed of in an EPD approved landfill. This was performed by Green Circle Environmental with the waste hauling provided by Green Circle Transportation. This scope was performed while the building was being vacated by the current tenant in a delicate, phased approach.

90% of All Materials Recycled
Our commitment to maximizing recycling was evident again in this project with over 90% of all materials recycled. Included for the first time on this project was the foam roofing. The end market for the roofing materials was slower to develop in our region, but we have established relationships with pioneering firms that were willing to accept this material in very early testing.
Once all ACM was removed from the building the interior of the building was demolished to core and shell by Green Circle Demolition's interior demolition division. This work was performed ahead of schedule with zero lost time incidents. This demolition involved the identification of all load bearing masonry partitions and the subsequent shoring of elevated slab areas to be removed by Green Circle Demolition's surgical interior team. The shoring was installed and maintained by Green Circle Demolition for the duration of the project.
Once the interior demolition was complete, Green Circle mobilized our Brokk demolition robots with the appropriate hammer attachments. This methodology was selected to maximize our daily productivity and to ensure we kept our employees safe during the elevated demolition phase. The structure was a skip joist concrete deck with load bearing masonry walls. The use of the Brokks allowed our operators to remotely control the machines and stay up to 100 yards away from the demolition activities. The range of motion on the Brokk machines allows the operators to work from above and below. Having these assets in house provides our clients with ready access and operators with years of experience on our machines. The project was brought in on budget and ahead of schedule.